MozCoffee v4.0 was held on Feb 16, 2014 at Matteo Coffee, Bangalore.
After three disastrous MozCoffee meetups, finally we had Mozillians joining us at our fourth MozCoffee!
Thanks to Bram Pitoyo for joining us at the meet-up. Bram works for Mozilla, New Zealand as a UX designer and is in town for Meta Refresh conference.
We had two Mozilla Reps and 5 Mozillians at the meet-up.
We did not have a proper agenda prepared but yes we had a chat with Bram on Marketplace, FirefoxOS, SuMo, UX, FSA and ways to contribute in for the fresh Mozillians.
Me, Kaustav and Bram walked like crazy on the streets of Bangalore to find a mobile shop for FirefoxOS research.
Firefox Student Ambassadors is very popular among college students. We are getting a lot of requests from FSA's to conduct events at their colleges. Pretty soon we will be doing an event for FSA's at a college in Bangalore. Keep watching our Mozilla India social media channels for updates on the event.
Take away from the meet-up: good coffee, tummy full potatoes, loud music, great discussions, ways to contribute, awesome time :)