Firefox Launch Party, India
It was craic! On the mezzanine level of News Café, Bangalore on May 10 attendees including geeks, Mozilla reps, students, entrepreneurs, press, Firefox fans joined together to celebrate the launch of new Firefox.
During the evening we get treated to a couple of presentations that show off what the latest version of Firefox is capable of with all the amazing updates and the neat user interface (UI) design also how and what of Mozilla Community in India. However, there is much more to Mozilla than Firefox.
First up is Kaustav, a Mozilla Rep. He gave us a great presentation about the latest changes/updates in Firefox.
The second talk was by Vineel, a Mozilla Rep, gave a brief about Mozilla, it's mission and the community. He added there are many ways to get invollved with Mozilla.
At the end of the talks we were all given postcards to fill and tweet "I want a Web _____." Also, the participants were distributed "Kumi" paper toy to make and play with it
I want a Web Open!
It was a different kind of crowd unlike our normal Mozilla community events. People were interested in knowing more about the community and the different ways to get involved. It was really a fun evening.
Crazy Mozillians :D
Free beer, free tshirts, free food, free Firefox cuppy cakes in a good reminder to us all that open source software is something that we should both advocate and celebrate as a great opportunity.
Oh, and if you haven't downloaded the latest Firefox yet, please do so! ;)
I'm still recovering from Firefox madness and so are the Mozillians Ankit, Gauthamraj, Jafar, Anush, Vikas who helped us with the launch!!
Pictures are fun. More here: